Get access to one-to-one tutoring worth thousands of dollars to pass the national nursing home administrator exam that is the same exam required in every state in the nation.
Learn the critical concepts and skills you need to pass your exams, and competently manage a skilled nursing facility.
This program teaches you what we do each day as a nursing home administrator and enhances your training as an AIT.
No other program offers individualized training that teaches you in the way that your brain processes and retrieves information, using your visual and auditory memory.
Ninety percent of my clients failed their national exam one or more times before purchasing my course.
They bought all the books and online exams, and failed the actual exams because they did not have a substantive understanding of the critical concepts and national standards central to managing the day to day operation of a nursing home.
Who Must Take the National Exam?
Every applicant for a state nursing home administrator license, must pass the national exam that is required in every state. Some states also have a state jurisdiction exam that you will have to pass as well.
I can prepare you pass the national exam which is the exact same exam offered in all 50 states, and I also offer a state exam review course for the following states:
Florida | Connecticut | Missouri | Montana | N. Dakota | Ohio | Pennsylvania | S. Carolina | Texas
These programs include expert one-to-one tutoring at no extra cost, worth thousands of dollars.
Not All States Have A State Specific Jurisdictional Exam
Please note that New York, New Jersey, Kentucky, Georgia, Michigan and Massachusetts do not have a state exam. You only need to pass the national exam.
Can I get a Discount if I purchase the National and a State Exam Review Courses Together?
Yes. Just purchase the National and State Exam Discounted Package for $349 and save $140.
Pass your exams the first time out.
If you have any questions as to which products to buy, just call me at 561 255 8213.
#101 National Exam Review Course
All course materials are digitals files and will sent to you for download through your email.